Rethinking Marxism Conference
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Call for Papers
New Marxian Times will be held over four days, beginning on Thursday evening, 5 November 2009 and ending on Sunday afternoon, 8 November 2009. In addition to two plenary sessions and an art exhibition, there will be concurrent panels, workshops, and art/cultural events. We invite the submission of organized sessions that follow traditional or non-traditional formats (such as workshops, roundtables, and dialogue among and between presenters and audience) as well as individual presentations. Since Marxism covers a wide variety of fields, from literature to public health and forms of political practice, from environmental organizing to opposing global inequality and envisioning new economic and social practice, anyone engaging with Marxism in any discipline or form of activism is encouraged to submit paper and panel proposals. We encourage those working in areas that intersect with Marxism, such as critical race theory, feminism, political economy, anarchist studies, cultural and literary studies, queer theory, working-class and labor studies, postcolonial studies, geography and urban studies, psychoanalysis, social and natural sciences, philosophy, and around issues of class, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexuality, and disability, to submit proposals. We also welcome video, poetry, performance, and all other modes of presentation and cultural expression.
Proposals for papers, films, or other formats should include:
- Paper title
- Presenter's name and contact information (mail, email, phone, affiliations)
- Brief abstract (no more than 200 words)
- Technology needs for presentation
Proposals for panels should include:
- Panel title
- Name, contact information, and paper title for each presenter
- Brief abstract (no more than 200 words) explaining the panel's focus
- Brief abstract for each paper (no more than 200 words)
- Names and contact information for any discussant(s) or respondent(s)
- Technology needs of presenters
- Title, contact, and address for any sponsoring organization or journal
The appropriate preregistration fee must accompany all proposal submissions. Unfortunately, any proposal not accompanied by the appropriate preregistration fee cannot be considered. Proposals that are not accepted will have their preregistration fees returned in full. If you are submitting a proposal for an entire panel, please make sure you include the preregistration fee for all members of the panel.
The deadline for proposal submission is 1 August 2009.
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